Wednesday, March 14, 2007

As long as you are doing something to get somewhere,

As long as you are doing something to get somewhere,
you're caught up in the search.
As long as you're meditating to reach a peaceful state,
you're caught up in the search.
As long as you're trying to "be more present",
you're caught up in the search.
As long as you're trying to "Be what you Are",
you are caught up in the search.
As long as you're trying to get rid of the ego,
you're caught up in the search.
You're even caught up in the search
if you're trying to end the search.

Jeff Foster


Zolang je iets doet om ergens te komen
zit je vast in het zoeken.
Zolang je mediteert om een vredige staat te bereiken,
zit je vast in het zoeken.
Zolang je ernaar streeft "meer aanwezig te zijn",
zit je vast in het zoeken.
Zolang je probeert te "Zijn wie je Bent",
zit je vast in het zoeken.
Zolang je tracht van het ego af te komen,
zit je vast in het zoeken.
Je zit zelfs vast in het zoeken
als je probeert het zoeken te beƫindigen.

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